Browsing: Children’s Health

Recognising and understanding childhood conditions can help in managing them effectively. Dr Mohana, a paediatrician with a subspecialty in paediatric allergy and immunology, recently discussed some of the most prevalent childhood conditions during the early years of life in a YouTube video on our channel, shedding light on how parents can navigate these challenges.

On 11 August 2024, the Director of Nutrition and Maternal and Child Health, dr. Lovely Daisy, MKM, announced that this regulation prohibits the promotion of formula milk, which is stipulated in Article 33, as part of efforts to increase the success of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia. The regulation adopts the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes that has been introduced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) since 1981.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. signed two executive orders (EOs) on Tuesday, August 6. These orders led to the creation of the Presidential Office for Child Protection (POCP) and the reorganisation of the government’s Task Force on Zero Hunger. The newly established POCP is tasked with overseeing and aligning government initiatives aimed at safeguarding children and promoting their well-being. This office will play a crucial role in monitoring, harmonising, and recommending policies related to child protection. With a particular focus on combating online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC), child sexual abuse and exploitation material (CSAEM), and child trafficking.

The 2023 Indonesia Health Survey (SKI) reveals that the prevalence of stunting remains alarmingly high, standing at 21.5 percent. This marks a mere 0.1 percent decrease from the previous year, highlighting the significant challenge faced by the government. Preparing for the 2045 Golden Generation and meeting the ambitious target of reducing stunting to 14 percent by the end of the year is crucial.