[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2DyioBxxEk[/embedyt]
13 Nov 2022, Singapore – The roar of 30 Porsche engines in the driveway of KKH on Sunday morning signalled the start of yet another exciting and fun-filled event. This is the 6th year that Porsche Club Singapore has been collaborating with the Paediatric Brain Solid Tumour Awareness (PBSTA) and the first event since the 2-year hiatus caused by the pandemic.
Over 24 families signed up to join in the fun-filled event that included a sharing session at KKH Auditorium followed by a thrilling convoy ride in 30 Porsches around Singapore’s iconic locations.
“It’s a fun day to celebrate these kids despite the difficulties they have gone through, and to encourage them to continue the fighting spirit to overcome their situation,” said A/Prof David Low, Senior Consultant, National Neuroscience Institute. In Singapore, childhood cancers are the second leading cause of death in children, with brain and solid tumours constituting half of all childhood cancers cases. These tumours impact the children in many ways – from their growth and neurological development, to the side effects and late sequelae as a consequence of their treatment.
The highlight of the sharing session was a personal testimony by Mr Mohd Syabil Iqbal Bin Azman who discovered he had a brain tumour midway through his course in ITE. His emotional and stoic battle back to recovery served to bring hope for the patients who were just starting or were battling through the tough parts of their recovery.
The mini-carnival held at the foyer of KKH included various fun booths featuring games and musical performances. These booths were planned and manned by more than 40 medical students from Duke-NUS Medical School who graciously volunteered their time for the event.
The entire event was intended to generate awareness about paediatric brain and solid tumours, and provide support and opportunities for patients and their families to interact with one another. Kudos to the organising committee from Duke-NUS Medical School, lead by Ms Sarah Ong, President of the PBSTA 2022 organising committee.
The happiness and joy on the faces of the children as they returned from their joyride in the Porsche cars made the entire event worthwhile.